Hop Canopy

imageThe natural progression, I suppose, once one decides to make one’s own beer is to start growing your own hops (right? This is definitely what everyone else does. For sure). So. That’s what’s happening. This is a slightly tricky project when you don’t own your house, but nothing a little putty and some big planters wouldn’t fix. This was a project originally intended to live on the side of the house, creating a very secret garden-esque walkway once you came through the gate from the front yard. Unfortunately, it also resulted in a couple of issues:

  1.  Neighbor’s roof + the fence = blocking all the good eastern daylight.
  2. Our roof was blocking all the good western daylight.

Result: About 4 hours of sun. Problematic. They all are growing fine besides one dud Columbus plant, but it seemed to M as though there was probably a better location (spoiler: this option also scores 100% more cool points).

He moved the plants while I was at work to over by the deck. He did some roof walking, and I came home to this:


Whoa, dawg. Much. Cooler. So, yesterday, we moved some happy Chinook plants over by the deck and built them a new little home (and I, at least, could hold the ladder…).

This gives each plant WAY more space to grow on (17′ instead of 10′, straight up), gives everyone more sun (and some shade), and might turn the deck into a super cool covered deck, with adorbs round lights. I am moderately concerned about it becoming bug city (realistically, all parts of Arkansas are bug city from March – November, so I guess it doesn’t matter?) but also it will make my life 75% more glamorous. Guys. Imagine a “Garden Party” under a hop canopy. My instagram just got MUCH cooler.

Now I just need a new home for the Ron Jon Surf Shop Frisbee….


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